IV National Therapists Conference and I International Therapists Conference

After evaluation by 4 professionals from different states, the result of the Thesis Contest

1st place - THERAPIST: The Professional Category and Institutionalization - Jucelito Cardoso - SC

2nd place: Spiritual ecology: ways and perspectives of therapists - Priscylla Lins Leal and Dante Augusto Galeffi from Bahia

3rd place: The Institutionalization of the Profession of Therapists in Brazil: Pathways and Perspectives - Maria Cristina de Araújo - RJ


Cássio Lopes - MG - University Professor, Entrepreneur, Administrator, MBM International from FGV / OHIO University, Graduated in Philosophy from UFMG, Graduated in Transpersonal Psychology from Instituto Renascer da Consciência

Josenilda Resende - SE - Training in Massotherapy from UFS - Federal University of Sergipe; Technician in events and Interpersonal relations from Senac, Technician in Chemistry.

José Carlos Aquilino - BA - Aromatherapist, Enneagram training, initiated in Reiki since 1995. Master in Reiki in several techniques. Vibrational / Energetic Therapies: Magnified Healing, SKHM (Egyptian Healing), Shamballah Multidimensional Healing, Celtic Reiki, Karuna Ki, Of the Guaraní Indians).

Bethânia Tristão Nunes - MG - Bachelor in Tourism Administration, Postgraduate in Market Administration, MBM in Business Management from FGV and University of Babson (Boston - USA). Businesswoman, reikian and homeopath graduated from the Federal University of Viçosa and a student at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy - Greece since 2014. Director co-founder of the company Homeosapiens that represents the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH) of George Vithoulkas (internationally recognized and considered one of the best Homeopaths of today) in Brazil.

Complying with the deadline for submission and what the public notice advocates, three papers were sent:

Spiritual ecology: ways and perspectives of therapists - Priscylla Lins Leal and Dante Augusto Galeffi from Bahia

The Institutionalization of the Profession of Therapists in Brazil: Pathways and Perspectives - Maria Cristina de Araújo - RJ

THERAPIST: The Professional Category and Institutionalization - Jucelito Cardoso - SC