IV National Therapists Conference and I International Therapists Conference


Jurandir Teixeira Albuquerque - RJ

Jimmy Albuquerque
President of Fenate – Speaker, Homeopath, Living Blood Morphologist, Microbiologist, President of the American Blood Analysis Corporation of the United States





Paulo Abreu - USA

Paulo Abreu
Master Trainer Coach and founding president of Abreu Coaching International Institute of Boca Raton, Florida. International Speaker, author of My Phenomenal Life Book and more than 60 training CDs and DVDs in the areas of coaching. • PhD in Business Administration - FCU / USA; • Master in Business Administration - FCU / USA; • Postgraduate in International Marketing - FGV / BR; • Bachelor of Business Administration - Unincor B; • Master Trainer Coach - USA; • Master practitioner in PNL - USA

Dr. Marcelo T. Yasuda - USA

Dr Marcelo Yasuda
Doctor of Chiropractic. He received his Ph.D. from Palmer College of Chiropractic, Summa Cum Laude in 2010. He also earned a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology from Florida Atlantic University, Summa Cum Laude in 2006. Dr. Yasuda is considered one of the foremost experts in spine with non-surgical and pharmaceutical treatments in South Florida.

Cleonice Matos - GO

Cleonice Matos

Marketing Degree, Aura Reading - Rose Method (Portugal), Raja Yoga Meditation, ThetaHealing, Inspired Techniques; Reikian; Develops workshops in Brazil and Portugal



Dr. João Rios Mendes - DF

Dr João Rios Mendes
Graduated in Geography, postgraduate in Methodology of Higher Education (UNEB, 2000), Legislative and Constitutional Law (Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, 2005) and Grammar, Text and Speech (UNICEUB, 2008). Legislative Administration from Unilegis - Legislative University.










Talita Margonari Lazzuri - SP

Talita Margonari
Graduated in Architecture, she is the administrator of the Saint Germain Florals Laboratory, floral therapist with specialization in anthroposophy and a member of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography (IUMAB), the international governing body for diagnostic bioelectrography recognized by the Russian Ministry of Health. Talita delved into the research on floral therapy in 2003 after returning from Russia, from where she brought to Brazil the GDV (Kirlian principle) device that makes bioenergetic readings of the bioenergetic field of human beings, a methodology recognized by the Russian Ministry of Health. After years of anthroposophy studies at the ABMA (Brazilian Association of Anthroposophical Medicine), she has completed her researches and has lectured in Brazil and around the world, sharing her theories with interested ones about the origin and performance of the flower essences. With the GDV device developed by Russian physicist Dr. Korotkov, she has proven her experiences.

Luciana Cangussu - MG

Luciana Cangussu
Graduated in Literature from the Federal University of Minas Gerais UFMG, Postgraduated in Transpersonal Psychology from the Renascer da Consciência Institute - IRC, Certificate in the extension course Health and Spirituality from the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG, Master in Theology from Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy and Theology - FAJE, founder of the Center of Consciousness (school of self-knowledge) CdC), Therapist

José Carlos Aquilino - BA

José Carlos Aquilino
Aromatherapist, Enneagram training, initiated in Reiki since 1995. Master in Reiki in several techniques. Vibrational / Energetic Therapies: Magnified Healing, SKHM (Egyptian Healing), Shamballah Multidimensional Healing, Celtic Reiki, Karuna Ki, Of the Guaraní Indians).




Odilon Cardozo Farias - TO


Training in Homeopathic Medicine (Anatomy and Human Physiology by FUNHOMEDIK 1990), Iridology and Basic Nutrition from CPISN, Advanced Iridology from CPISN 1992, Phytotherapy and Holistic Therapies, Naturopathy, Director of IBRAVN - Brazilian institute of Iridology and Naturopathy.

Marie Esch - RJ

Marie Esch
For 30 years she has been working in the health area and as a holistic therapist, Regression and past lives Therapist (USA); NPL train the trainer, coach, Nurse with a postgraduate degree in health administration in Germany, her birthplace. Author of the book "Vivendo à Flor da Pele" that teaches to take care of one's high sensitivity and put limits for a more adjusted life.

Eliete Maria Madeira Fagundes - MG

Eliete Maria
Founder of CONAHOM - ATENEMG, National Association of Naturalist and Energetic Therapists of Minas Gerais, Brazilian Association of Popular Homeopathy - Cuiabá; Owner of the Hahnemann Technological Institute and Homeobrás. She coordinated from 2007 to 2009, in partnership with the Federal University of Viçosa, the Homeopathy Science Course in Angola, Africa. Author of several books on Homeopathy.

João Gomes dos Santos

João Gomes
Psychotherapist, Bachelor in Business Administration, Graduated in Theology, Postgraduated in Clinical Psychoanalysis (PUC-GO), Bar Access Consciousness Facilitator (USA). Phenomenological Therapist (Family Constellations). Ministers Courses, workshops and Training.


André Ferraz – MG

André Ferraz
Aromatherapist, entrepreneur, teacher, psychologist and lecturer. Founder of "Viver de Aromas" and creator of the online program "Pele de Pétalas", one of the largest Aromatherapy courses in Latin America focused on teaching 100% natural treatment. He studies and promulgates essential oils, vegetable oils, psychoaromatherapy and transpersonal psychology on the internet.




Betânia Tristão Nunes - MG

Bachelor in Tourism Administration, Postgraduate in Market Administration, MBM in Business Management from FGV and University of Babson (Boston - USA). Businesswoman, reikian and homeopath graduated from the Federal University of Viçosa and a student at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy - Greece since 2014. Director co-founder of the company Homeosapiens that represents the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH) of George Vithoulkas (internationally recognized and considered one of the best Homeopaths of today) in Brazil.

Luciano Alves - SP

Luciano Alves

Neuropsychologist, International Trainer in Family, Systemic and Organizational Constellation; Acupuncturist specialized in Chinese Pharmacology and Phytotherapy. Founder of the Luciano Alves Institute with offices in Germany and Vienna. He created the "9 steps to success," in family organizations and the Archetypical Co-creative Constellation Methods. For 9 years he has been taking groups for human, professional, leadership and spiritual self-development to Peru, Mexico and Egypt.

Marcelo Alves - BA

Marcelo Alves

Musician, pianist graduated from Salvador College; Shamanic Initiation in Peru; Holistic Therapist, Reikian Level II, Holochrome and Self-Leadership System; develops work with System of Sensorial Vibrational Healing in consultations in Salvador.




Adeilde Marques - SE

Adeilde Marques
Bachelor's degrees in Journalism and Mathematics from UNIT / SE and UFPB, MBA in Strategic Management from UNINTER / PR, Floral Therapist since 1980, Morphologist of the Living Blood, Radiestesist (environmental and human), Astrologer, presided over Fenate from 2005 to 2013